Market Profile Education & Trading
Since 2006
I am writing this review because of the significant benefits of joining ProfileTraders.com. I found this site couple years ago. What caught my interest was that the fees for education and the chat room were reasonable, how refreshing compared to other financial trading sites. There are four main reasons why I joined ProfileTraders.com:
1) The quality of the training material has been excellent.
2) The chat room being monitored by Reza provides a daily in depth analysis on the markets.
3) Reza provides trade set ups as the market unfolds. 4) The cost for training material are reasonable.
Gary, Oregon
I feel blessed to have discovered Reza’s trading room and to be taught and mentored by him. My trading has quickly gone from break even to profitable by learning and incorporating his market profile strategies into my trading. I had never heard of market profile until finding Reza’s room and it is a learning curve no doubt, but so worth it. Reza is a GREAT teacher and market profile is like having inside information about the market moves. Every morning before the market opens he shares his insights about what he sees and expects to happen. When he decides to take a trade he posts his entry level, target and stop placement. But the best thing is, he teaches us how to see and capitalize on good trading opportunities ourselves. There are a lot of good traders in the room and the camaraderie and sharing of ideas during slow times is fun. This is a profitable room!
Catherine 10/16/2014
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010
From: d*******7@aol.com
To: *****@profiletraders.com
I was determined to learn the science and art of trading. The vicissitudes of my life made this an absolute necessity and I approached it as a man on a mission. I began by purchasing all sorts of “self-help” material, such as, books, on line courses, webinars, seminars, videos , etc. It became quite evident that successful trading is what mathematicians call a “universal problem”, one that is so general and complex it defies a quick and easy solution. I began to realize that if a solution were to exist, a key component would be the intuition and “artistic” talent of the trader. Therefore, I began to search for a live mentor/trader to guide me in acquiring the skills necessary to be a successful trader. The mentor/trader would need to be 100% honest, highly skilled in his profession, patient, kind, and a gifted teacher (not an easy find). The trading industry is replete with scam artists, charlatans, quacks, frauds and incompetents who pedal their wares without any concern as to the well being of the student. It is very obvious that in the business of dreams and hope the advantage lies with the seller and not the buyer. After many, many months and only with the help of G-d, I found someone whom I felt fit the bill….his name is simply Reza. I studied his website, profiletraders.com, and was greatly impressed with his methodology, performance and humility. There was no bravado, no outrageous claims, no self aggrandizement, just an honest presentation which spoke volumes in its own right. I immediately contacted Reza and found him to be all that I had hoped for. Subsequently, I spoke to three students of his, each of whom could not stop singing his praises. Two of these references, I independently verified, were highly successful floor traders on the NYNEX. When I asked one of them if Reza was 100% honest, they told me he was not…”.he is 250% honest and as good as they come ” ! After completing my due diligence, I signed up for his program which included his Market Profile boot camp and his live mentoring program in a real time virtual trading room. Reza did not delivery 100% of what I had expected….he delivered 1000% of what I had expected. He took a student who was a complete novice in market profile and guided him with patience, understanding, support and encouragement. The educational quality of his entire program is awesome. He is able to engage and stimulate each and every member of the room regardless of the vast disparity of experience and expertise that exists among them. The ambiance of the room is both friendly and supportive and extremely encouraging. Reza sets the tone and is constantly engaging and educating via the Socratic method. There is really no way I can adequately fully express my gratitude and appreciation to Reza for all that he has done and continues to do for me. I have been in the program for almost two months and I am at the point that I am finally allowing myself to be cautiously optimistic as to the future. One thing is for sure, the investment that I made in Reza is one of the best and soundest investments I have ever made in my life and I enthusiastically and unequivocally recommend this program to anyone interested in trading. You will not find a better mentor and you will not be disappointed.
Bob L, NJ
I have been a member of Profile Traders for 6 weeks. The learning has been tremendous; Reza’s daily insight into the markets and teaching of Market Profile is truly amazing. The support and resistance levels he provides are very precise, a concise trading strategy before each trade is clearly articulated, and risk is minimized with limited downside and significant upside potential. The additional training/education provided by Reza with his one day trading boot camps is another example of the outstanding service and commitment to members of Profile Traders. I have an MBA and CFA; this is by far one of the best learning experiences I have ever had and this material is not taught in either a graduate business school or the CFA program. I wish I could have joined this room 20 years ago when I began my career as a trader and portfolio manager. I continue to learn something new each day. Thanks Reza,
Bob , NJ
I am responding to your e-mail about Profiletraders: Let me qualify my response by telling you that I was a floor broker/floor trader on the COMEX and NYMEX for 25 years. I am in the process of making the transition from pit trading to trading off a screen full time. I personally trade four markets for a living, full time. I trade Gold, Silver, Crude Oil and the S&P Mini. I have an very deep understanding of the market profile and a great deal of technical knowledge. I don’t know your background or what your specific trading goals are, but I will tell you the following:
1. Being successful goes exponentially beyond taking one class; (in anything that you may do). It requires a commitment to learn which can only be achieved by reading, studying, practicing and asking questions. If you are considering trading, this is an excellent place to start. If I had to choose one method to trade, solely, among the countless one’s that I know, it would be the Market Profile.
2. I consider Reza an expert in market profile trading specifically and an extremely talented technician in general. His technical abilities are among some of the best that I’ve seen. Reza is a great teacher and communicates very well to those of us in his room.
3. His boot camp is an excellent way to learn the theory and components of the market profile and apply them to ANY market (except FOREX). I take the boot camp every time he has one simply because it helps reinforce knowledge.
4. It is a great way to get into a one on one type learning environment where you you get a chance to see the application of the market profile, learn, and ask questions.
5. The course is absolutely NOT geared towards anyone’s “pitch.” It is a straight forward learning environment for anyone seriously interested in learning the Market Profile. Anyway, I have to hop. Hope that I was helpful and good luck trading. IF YOU’RE SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING, ITS A GREAT PLACE TO START…
Frankie M, NY
I have been a floor trader for 20 years and have exclusively followed Market Profile for the past 10 years. I have been a member of the Profile Traders room for 6 months now and the level of professionalism and knowledge is unparallel. Reza is one of the best technicians I have come across and his levels of entry and exit are simply amazing. He ALWAYS picks entry levels with minimal risk and his exit points ALWAYS maximize each members profit. I learn something new every day and find his dialogue to be quite entertaining. I can honestly say I feel extremely fortunate to have found this “hidden gem ” trading room and I HAVE recommended this room to several of my friends .
Jack, NY
have been a member of the profile traders room. for 4months now, and the level of professionalism, is bar none. Reza is one of the best technicians, I have come across in a long time. his levels of entry and exit, have giving me nothing but minimum risk and maximum reward. I have had a 20 percent profit, since starting. I am a 20year veteran floor trader, and from my experience, Reza is as good as they come. being able to be part of this trading room is extremely educational and rewarding.
John a. Gonzalez, NY
I came to Reza’s trading room with a pretty good grasp of the basics, a decent ability to scalp, and a keen awareness that if I didn’t learn how to trade bigger moves I would inevitably blow out my account. It was just a matter of time. Frankly, I am very grateful to have found such an excellent and affordable opportunity to spend every day trading along with a master. He is a tireless teacher as well–he really cares about having people in room grow into being successful traders. I appreciate his conservative approach that is underscored by a truly incisive ability to make excellent calls. Often his trades work well with just one point stops, because he pinpoints entries that are pristine in their accuracy. Furthermore, if learning how to use Market Profile is your goal, Reza has a unique and powerful understanding of this tool; here too, he excels in his guidance. Personally, I think a successful trader needs many levels of education and am pleased to report that this trading room is making a real and highly profitable contribution to mine. Thank you Reza.
Laurel Emrys, TX
I have been in Reza’s workshop now for a little over three months. As a floor trader and market profile user for the last fifteen years I can not begin to tell you how helpful this site has been to me. I find myself learning something new everyday and it’s only because of the time Reza takes explaining everything.. The one thing I miss about the floor was the constant talking I did with other traders all day just shooting ideas out.. With Reza’s site I find myself talking not only to him but with other people all day.. His insights have help me and I can not begin to tell you what a help this has been. He has taken the time not only to look at the S & P, but also gold, crude, and natural gas all great markets to trade.. Every day before I sign out the last thing I do is thank him like everyone else in the room. We are all thanking him because everyday we seem to learn something else that makes us all better traders Thanks for everything
Tommy, NY
“Having been an active trader for over 10 years, I’ve seen nearly every kind of market condition and seemingly every kind of trade method. Every truly successful trader that I’ve ever known uses what Reza teaches in some form or another, but not many successful traders are willing to teach. His presentation is well rounded and his manual is comprehensive and easy to read. In the trading education world, you can waste many tens of thousands of dollars for a whole handful of nothing and add a little depression along with it. On the other hand, Reza puts his money where his mouth is. If you choose to get his real time chat room, you will see his trades posted before the trade hits…not afterwards like many out there. In my personal opinion, any method that can simply work off time, price and volume is a method that should last indefinitely…this is what I’ve seen here. Quite frankly, at his current course price, I believe it would be foolish to not take it while you can! PS – My first trade after learning his method made me $787.50…”
James D. from Michigan
have been in Reza’s trading room for about two months. This has been, without a doubt, the best trading experience I have had. I had never used Market Profile prior to this time. Each morning Reza explains what the market is going to do that day, and the trading strategy we should use and why. He is extremely accurate with his entry and exit points. He provides ongoing education and insight into trading and the use of Market Profile with the goal of enabling each trader to become fluent and accurate with this technology so that each can do this on his own. I have found this to be very helpful in increasing my confidence and certainty (and profitability!!!) with day trading. He truly is a master at this, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from him each day.
LJ from California
“Thank you for the 3-days 1-on-1 training. From a complete novice on Market Profile, I now possess a good foundation to further my study on Market Profile. I am glad to have chosen you as an educator, not only do you have the necessary knowledge; more importantly you are able to impart it to a newbie. I have no hesitation to recommend you to anyone who wants to learn about Market Profile, and will be happy to be a reference if anyone needs to know more about your training. I will be in touch for your advice as I progress in my learning. Appreciate your support.”
Oh from Singapore
“I’m out of words to express my gratitude to you and the mentorship you provide to me and other traders. I’ve been trading for almost two years without any substantial profits. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on books, seminars, mentoring, but unfortunately nothing worked for me. I doubt if they’ll ever work consistently. Attending your Market Profile Traders boot camp is a major turning point in my trading career. I had read Jim Dalton and Peter Steidlmayer’s books on market profile before, but I just couldn’t grasp the concepts and put them into practice. The boot camp really turned on light for me. You did a great job in presenting those hard to grasp ideas in a very concise and practical way so that a beginner like me can put the theory into use and make money right away. Now I go back and read the books again, things are starting to make sense to me. I start to understand how the markets really work, and most importantly how I can make profits based on market generated information presented in market profile chart.After joining your trading room, I’ve never had a losing day. I trade CBOT mini-DOW with a small account for about $15,000. For the last ten days, I consistently made $400-800 every day by taking only 3-4 trades a day. By reading/monitoring market profile chart and listening to your guidance, I’m now able to put my emotion in check and properly manage the trades until they’re profitable and reach the target. Yesterday was a very good example. After the opening, I took a couple of scalps and made $200. Then I longed one contract right before that climatic selling period. Within 20 minutes, I was more than $500 under water. If I acted emotionally, just as I did before, I would have thrown in the towel at the very bottom of the day and taken a loss. But this time, thanks to your insightful advice, I added 2 more contracts, held them after lunch hour, and made about $800 later that day. I learned a lot from you about when to fight for my positions without getting myself killed.Reza, I think the education I got from your boot camp and in your trading room for last two weeks is tremendous, and it’ll benefit me for my whole trading life in the future. I’ve never been so confident about my trading ability. I’m now starting to visualize the successful way of trading. I know that a lot things still need to be improved in my trading, and it’ll take a very long time for me to become an expert trader. But no matter what, I believe I’m now in the right direction of analyzing and trading markets. You’re the one who points that right direction to me. I think I’m blessed to know a master trader and mentor like you, who’d like to share the real trading experience with me. For that, I’ll take a bow to you, and say thank you, thank you and thank you!!”
Henry from CA
“Thank you for the workshop last Saturday. Reading the profile is very interesting. It gave me a completely different perspective on the market as it searches for balance and value. I traded support and resistance in the past and became frustrated when the market did not move in favor of my trades. After the last week of trading with your live trading room I have become more confident in my trades as my account has grown positive. In a short period of time I’ve gone from guessing at market direction to anticipation of market direction. I highly recommend the workshop and live trading.”
Brian from MI
“I’ve been trading futures since 2004, and being with Profile Traders since the trading room almost started. I think his discipline is the most important thing that I’ve admire about Reza. His knowledge in Market Profile is amazing but most important thing for me is the reminder of discipline everyday and how it pays……Very fond of him…”
Patricia from Miami
Thank you Reza for providing us with this opportunity to learn from you. Profits from your calls quickly covered the cost of membership for me. . I look forward to your commentary and insight on the market. It is most valuable and candid and I am very grateful for your mentorship.
Lynn, CA
I have been Trading futures part time since 2004 with inconsistent results. Once I meet Reza a few months ago, my trading has changed for the best. I tend not to over trade and give back hard fought gains. Identifying support and resistance with MP is the truest form I have come across with. Trading live with Reza is the edge that I need to compete in the market. The trading room has equipped me with the necessary tools to succeed. There is no other person I would want to trade with other than Reza.
Bert, NY
I do really appreciate to have this chat room open every day for so many hours. It’s invaluable for me, as a new baby in Market Profile, Reza’s explanations about the market and his recommendations. They are practical and logical, not regurgitating a theory after the fact. Day by day I am acquiring more and more confidence in understanding the market and reading the chart. I am sure that by only reading courses and looking charts, would be very unlikely to get the level of competence I know I am going to be able to get with Reza’s help. Thank you!
Nieves, CA
“Reza does a great job of applying Market Profile concepts within the context of the e-mini futures intraday trading environment. He is also very personable and demonstrates integrity with his subscribers. His intuitive feel for the market, backed by years of trading experience, became obvious very early on… ”
Mike, New York
Trust me, I’ve tried just about every room, service, system in existence over the past 4 years. The total amount I have spent on these is EMBARRASSING. Your room is the first place that I have a real hope of making money on a consistent basis and in time learning the skill. For this I am very thankful.
This is the second boot camp we attend to. It’s amazing the amount of practical information you get from it! Looking forward the third one next month! It goes from the basics so a new person can grasp this way to graphic the chart and the basic data, up to advanced and totally useful knowledge. All this information is then reinforced daily in the chat room so every day you improve a little bit. Thank you Reza for all the amount of help you give to every one of us.
Ed & Nieves, CA
I have taken the class a number of times, and each one contributes significantly to my ability to work with Market Profile. Reza’s teaching just keeps getting better and better.! I’ve done some intensive reading on the subject and one things I most appreciate about this class is both the depth and simplicity of what Reza presents. This class is one terrific deal.
I attended your boot camp yesterday Jan 19thand all I could say was wow. It was the best 5 hours I have ever attended in an educational seminar. Your expertise and realistic explanations of mp concepts has truly opened my eyes to what is possible using mp. I feel like I’ve been trading blindly this whole time. I look forward to joining your room and becoming a true profiler. Thank you once again for a phenomenal workshop; the price was pennies compared to the priceless information given
Uzma Afzal, CA
Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your Market Profile boot camp. I was very impressed with the quality of the seminar — you presented a lot of information and made it all very usable and understandable.
“Thank you Reza for our dedication to teach us Market Profile trading. I have been in a number of trading rooms where the teaching was unclear and the trade entries and exits were fuzzy at best. You give exact levels to the tick. I love the pre-Open meeting to tell us what you are looking for when the bell rings and how things are setting up. It really helps visualize the whole day. I am already making money with this knowledge. Great job all around!!”
Bob M., Boston
Hello, my name is Dr. Ron Katz and I am Fei’s husband as well as a Psychologist and business coach. Fei is highly risk aversive and has had a tendency to ‘not pull the trigger’ even after a thorough and astute assessment of the market situation; this can be a fatal flaw for a trader. I coached Fei and sat in on her trading sessions but I couldn’t be there all the time and so my efforts had only limited usefulness. When Fei discovered Reza’s trading group I encouraged her to try it out. Reza’s aversion to losing money and his utilization of a narrow stop loss was simpatico with her personality and I thought that being in a supportive trading group for the entire trading session would be an invaluable aid in minimizing her ‘fear of pulling the trigger’. The whole experience in Reza’s group has been stimulating, taken the loneliness out of trading on your own and gave her the encouragement to follow through on her judgment by executing the trades. In addition what she has learned from Reza about trading has expanded her trading horizon and increased her confidence in her market analysis. From my perspective of working with traders, business people and others both individually and in groups for the past thirty years and from my vantage point of seeing the results with my wife, I think that Reza’s group is excellent and I would recommend it to my clients without hesitation.
Fei C, NY
I just completed Reza’s Market Profiler Boot Camp and I am completely elated! I have spent hundreds of hours with on-line trading courses and can objectively state that Reza’s MP Boot Camp is one of the most useful training actions I have ever done. He presented the material in a very lucid and enjoyable manner taking the time to clarify any and all questions I had. I realized Reza has a wide understanding of other Trading methods and practices and thereby teaches the course materials in a way that will reach a wide range of Traders. With his broad expertise he is able to emphasize the relative importance of each of the MP concepts quickly giving a full and workable understanding of the subject. The Boot Camp was taught with a professionalism that directly aligned to my other trading practices and as a result I came away with a boost of all my trading skills. The Profiler provided special insights into trading that no other method I’ve previously study had. I feel empowered from this Boot Camp! It is worth many times the course fee. Reza is an absolute gem and I feel privileged to have discovered his Boot Camp and Trading Room.
Many thanks for the help and applicable information and the certain financial gains to come.
23 August 2008
Joseph Dolce
Although trading futures for some years, I was not very satisfied with the results. Looking around to improve, it was a coincidence to find Reza’s room Profiletraders.com. First I took a look by use a trial, but after only one day I decided to become a member. Attending the introducing ‘bootcamp’-seminar, you will get a rapid understanding, that Reza is a very experienced professional, who lives trader’s rule #1 ‘preserve your capital’ each day. Now membership lasts about 8 weeks and we are looking at one of the most serious financial crisis of markets this weeks. It is really amazing, especially in these days, to follow fully explained trade-decisions by using only 1 to 1.25 point stop in the e-mini. You may find some blackbox-liked trade-services, which are calling ‘secret’ numbers. With Profiletraders.com you will get a solid training and/or further education to understand market profile and the behaviour of the big players. Out of my opinion this is the most important part of membership. ‘On the side’ each day you will receive few fully explained proposals for trades, which are visible executed by Reza. I know, there are many offers, which promise you the holy grail for a lot of money and I was very surprised of the ratio of cost and benefit beeing in Reza’s room. So I only can recommend it without reservations. Sep 29, 2008
Jurgen, GER
I found Reza by accident and boy O boy I cannot put into words how lucky and delighted I have been to have done so. I had been trading for about 10 years; I just manage to hold my own. I needed a trading “mentor”, but where to find someone I could trust was a huge problem. After countless false starts I stumbled upon Reza’s website I started by purchasing his Boot Camp. I decided I would take the recorded version as opposed to the live session. This was a personal preference I just wanted to take it away and study it in my own time in my own way. On watching the videos (for the first time) Compared to the books I read on market profile Reza managed to make the subject so clear and simple to understand. I loved his basic no-nonsense terminology… there was nothing here said to confuse it was all good basic stuff yet at the same time one had a good through knowledge of the subject after watching and listening to Reza’s presentation.. Reza offers a two-day trial of his live trading room with the purchases of his Boot camp program, it’s a one of a kind trading experience, he calls his trades and shares his market analysis throughout the trading day. Here you will have the opportunity to learn from someone who trades for a living, instead of those who consider themselves “educators” offering lessons they read in a book. “Please take this advice from someone that has learned the hard way” buying some trader’s educational material is simply not enough to succeed”. You need direction of a professional and the ability to trade along side them is an invaluable experience. I am convinced a novice trader can learn to become a great trader just through the influences from professional traders such as Reza. As a solo retail trader there is a limited amount of knowledge and growth one can hope to gain from books and courses Watch Reza taking his trades live on a real live execution platform win or lose nothing is hidden there is no false promises just real trading information and real-time analysis. If you aspire to become a profitable trader I highly recommend you grab a copy Reza’s boot camp and then join his virtual trading room and experience at first hand training from a proven trading professional.
R. Quinn, IR
Reza, let me express my appreciation for the service you provide through your website. Before, I was trading by using common indicators, such as MACD, Stochastic, CCI and many others, but after being in your “bootcamp” I am using “market profile” only. Your morning briefings and timely comments make trading way less stressful and by far more profitable. What is important is that you give not just general idea of market direction but expert advice of “what to do if..”, comparison of ES market with other markets, analyses of current economic situation, news and many other things which helps to gain experience and confidence in the daily trading. I also want to mention that the membership in your trading room is very affordable and I would say enjoyable. Thank you for your honesty, integrity and great sense of humor. I just regret I did not start trading with you before. Sincerely, Gene Gokhman, Mequon, Wisconsin
Gene Gokhman
“Reza is a seasoned trader and an excellent teacher. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge that he is always willing to share with his students. His understanding and application of market profile trading techniques places him among the best in the field. It has been truly a privilege and a pleasure to join his trading room.”
Dr. John Keppler
Reza,I want to thank you for offering an incredible service. It is an incredible value. I have been attempting to trade the ES futures for over a year with no success, mainly due to a fear of entering a trade. Your trading room has helped me overcome that fear and I feel much more confident. You are truly a master at market profile and have shown the necessity of mastering a method. One of the reasons for my fear in the past was looking at way too many indicators and charts. Thanks for providing clarity in my trading. One other thing. My work schedule only allows me trade for an hour and a half in the morning. There are plenty of entries available following your room, so it works great for anyone in a similar situation. Thanks again!
Brent Kringle
“I am happy to recommend Reza’s training room and webinars to all students interested in daytrading and market profile. I joined in August 2008 and I have absolutely no regrets. The entrance fee has been some of the best money I have spent in the education arena. The advice and tools have enabled me to move from being an inconsistent part time trader to a successful full time trader.It was hard to find Reza’s room as he is a true trader and not a marketer. Unlike other rooms there are no scams or snake oil here – support and resistance levels are clearly given. Analysis is provided throughout the day, and results are tallied each day and month. At the same time there is no spoonfeeding. Members are expected to think for themselves and encouraged to put in the work required to become a winning, profitable trader.It feels like I am still learning something new each day. I also enjoy Reza’s personality and his often humorous commentary on the antics of the various market players.Since I trade mostly ETFs and options on a longer term basis I do not take many of the trades. Still, Reza’s advice has helped my timing and risk control tremendously.If you are unsure whether Reza’s room is the best fit for you I am available to answer any questions you may have. Reza can forward you my contact details.”
I just joined Reza trading room for a month and i could see that Reza’s trading technique could spot a good trading opportunity while others technical indicators showed otherwise. I am happy to have joined his trading room and look forward to learning more and making money at the same time.
Joni – San Francisco
I must say that purchasing Reza’s “Boot camp” is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made regarding my trading education. The boot camp is making me look at the market in a totally different way. All concepts are clearly explained and is worth every penny. Further more Reza is in the chat room every day to answer any question you may have. He is an excellent teacher and mentor. I’m very happy I found Reza’s website and as long as he will have me I will remain a lifetime member. P.s. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Reza has my contact information. But all I can say Reza is as honest as they come.
Roderic G. Illes Aruba
I purchased your Trader-Bootcamp seminar the other day and I must congratulate you on the product. I have seen many webinars regarding Market Profile but not one comes close to what you have produced. What stands out is you do not fill any of the time with fluff that most people already know. It was straight down to business. The content you cover in the 2.5 hours is fantastic. It leaves no stone unturned and told me what I needed to know without the BS. As you know I have been attending your live trading room on a trial basis too and you do things a little different than most. You let everyone see the trades you take win or lose. The markets have just started to become very volatile again and it’s easy to see how people are finding it hard to adjust their trading accordingly, but what you are displaying in the room is fantastic to see. You have your buy/sell levels and you are not afraid to trust them. When they don’t come off it doesn’t phase you one little bit (well, you do called the market the odd name now and again). You just analyse the situation and trade right back at the market. It’s great to see. What can I say but… You are the Mac-Daddy of the MP!!
Pete, UK
If you want to learn what trading is all about then there is no better resource than Reza’s trading room. He makes live trades with the dome, which is unlike any other service out there! He has a keen insight to the markets and the MP technique. What I benefit most from is his discipline of when to engage the market and when not to and to wait for your levels. You also get to feel another traders emotions and the daily psychological battle because he’s actually in live trades not just calling them out. That’s true mentorship that NO ONE else offers. So many other services are complete rip-offs with too many indicators (that they’ll charge you for on top of room fees, seminar fees, etc.). Then they’ll show you a nightly video of a six figure trade they made well after they’ve been in the trade and it is hugely profitable. Of course they’ll NEVER record the big losing trades. Reza is as honest as it gets in the trading business and the lifetime membership with training included is very reasonable and a very good value!
The boot camp was great! I have been trying to put into practice the theory of market profile from Mind Over Markets, but I just couldn’t grasp the concept of it or know if what I was doing was actually right! Your boot camp video explained to me exactly what I needed to know! I am really looking forward to trading the theory with you. Thank you for your followup email.
Alexander Straker: I have been looking for a market profile teacher for a couple of years and became dissatisfied with the conflicting and confusing information I had found scattered around the internet. After a lot of searching, there seemed to be very few true sources for genuine instruction in the finer points of using market profile the way it was originally intended. I found Reza’s site a while ago and had a quick look, was impressed but for some reason forgot all about it again until I happened to be trawling through my old links and rediscovered the Profile Traders site again. Alexander Straker: After having a much closer look this time i decided to purchase Reza’s home study course and have to say this was really what helped the whole basis for market profile really make sense and laid down excellent principles to underpin market profile trading methods. After the trial of Reza’s trading room I quickly became convinced I had finally found the right teacher, not because every trade has been a winner but because of Reza’s obvious depth of knowledge and understanding of the market profile (and other technical) methods. I believe Reza to be a true source of genuine instruction for those wishing to further their day trading skills and would not hesitate to recommend his excellent instruction to others.
Alexander Straker (Australia)
I took the workshop “new generation of market profile” couple weeks ago.It is an excellent course and i think this new concept about market profile is brilliant.I was making money with it and i am making money with it as well.Any one wants to make money by day trading gold crude and ES should take this course and i am sure you will look at the markets in total different way. Reza did a great job on this way!!!!!!!!!!!
Fey K
I’ve been studying and learning how to trade in the markets for several years now and one thing that I’ve learned is that you have to be careful about who and what you choose as a knowledge base. In my recent search, I came across Profiletraders.com and Reza. I took the trial offer and just listened to what he had to say, and watched he presented, and whether or not it worked consistently. One thing that was immediately apparent was that the trial was in the actual trading room with regular members and a few other trial members. Other trials that I have taken put all the trial members in the same room and spent most of the time talking about why you should buy their system; no trades called before they were taken or if they were, no explanation as to why the trade was taken. It was always the “When you buy the course all that will be explained” approach. In contrast, Reza called out trades and would sometimes tell us why he called the specific trade, and sometimes he would ask the room if they knew why, or where the target for the trade should be. The people in the room were knowledgeable, courteous, and in this trade room, you truly to learn while you earn. After three days, I was immediately convinced that this was where I wanted to be; it didn’t take a week for me to become a member. I began to learn true market profile trading, and it cleared up some of the fog I had always felt was there when it came to trading, because now I understood that buying and selling is based on VALUE! The reason I said “some of the fog” is because I had always noticed a very specific change in the personality of the ES, which I had studied and traded. I would sometimes have a great month, then turn around and have an absolutely horrible month. Through Reza, I learned that it is because of the computers/bots that trade on the ES! That was the other part of the fog; it explained why I could do the same thing and have drastically different results. I asked about this in the room, and Reza not only explained it, but pointed it out on the charts he uses in the room, as it was happening! With Profiletraders.com, you will learn not to trade, but to become an analyst of the markets. If you become a good analyst, you will be an excellent trader because you will know the reasons why you take a trade, and that means confidence. If you’ve ever been beat up in the markets, you know that confidence is key, and you can’t be confident if you don’t know why you are pulling the trigger.I took the class for the Next Generation Market Profile trading because I had become so impressed with what I had learned from Reza already in with market profile. I’ve come to have a level of trust in him as a teacher/mentor. He has demonstrated integrity and his pricing for the knowledge I have received is better than anything I have found in many years. (I don’t know about other traders, but for me, the teacher is as important as the teaching.) What Reza has done with the next level of trading knowledge makes it so much more objective to pinpoint levels and entries. It truly makes it a “yes” or “no” approach in recognizing where the entry and exits are, and following the rules when price hits those levels. And when price gets to those levels, he has a method for pinpointing the entry, so you don’t just place an order because price gets to a certain point, and it all works together with the market profile method. In my opinion, Next Generation Market Profile is the “fine tooth comb” necessary for pinpointing trades with confidence.
Bill A
The precision of Reza’s calls are amazing. He literally pins the levels to within ticks, even on extreme moves whereas with other strategies you would be left guessing to determine where it would end. The new proprietary charting techniques and strategies he developed leave you exact placement on where and when to enter, and where to place targets/stops. The percentage of winning trades from these newly developed strategies are far greater than previous strategies I have encountered. You will certainly not find these methods from other sources or reading books. From your quick scalper to long term position trader, you will benefit greatly from these new concepts. I personally have gained considerably since deploying them within my own trading.
Bret H.
Reza,Been trading independently since 2007, market profile has been the effective foundation. Lately it has lost some of it’s edge. Reza’s next generation market profile charting methods have proven to be far superior with regards to quickly identifying key S&R levels, entries/exits, and staying out of the noise, while keeping your positions on the right side of the trend. Beyond that, which is invaluable, he is an excellent instructor that trades what he teaches. Thank You!
Kris P.
Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical Performance Disclosure: Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points that can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect trading results.
Testimonials Disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.
Live Trade Disclosure: This presentation is for educational purposes only and the opinions expressed are those of the presenter only. All trades presented should be considered hypothetical and should not be expected to be replicated in a live trading account.